I posted!
True story: I cut off my internet at home... very sad day. So, as much as I didn't update this blog before, now I will probably be even worse! However, I do love this little web world for keeping up with everyone else and for a quick outlet to share pictures/info. with my out-of-town family! So I am keeping the blog, but don't harass me for not posting because I can't post at home now and I should not post while I am at work - yikes.
Since the last blog... I had a birthday (27!) - loads of fun surrounded by much celebration, by me.
Tyler went out of town on several fun trips and I worked on finishing up my last grad school class! I have many book recommendations if anyone is interested in reading "Young Adult" Literature. I loved my class, but really wanted to do well, so I had to work hard and that was not so much fun.
Spent one weekend writing 14 pages and taking a standardized test. YUCK.
Afterwards, I let Tyler proofread the paper while I took a breather outside. Suddenly, a flush from the bushes behind me released a throng of little birds flying for their lives and followed by the shadow of a huge hawk. Two poor birds crashed right into our den windows - BAM! BAM!
It was terrible!
THEN, the hawk came back to take his prey. Very sad, but at least nature ran it's course and I did not have to pick up the dead little birdies. Discovery channel in my own backyard.
That hawk was intense and I recommend that you take cover if you ever see one because he will hunt you down and find you with his beady supersonic sight eyeballs.
The week after that the O'Connors came back in town! We had a fun and busy weekend running around and catching up. They left, I took my final - got my paper back (yeah!) and finished class!
Here are some pop culture shout outs for any of you readers of this not-so-frequently updated blog:
1. Did you cry over Allison being kicked off of American Idol this week? Surprisingly, yes, I did. I don't know what it was - that final performance just got to me... Cr-ri-iiii -y Baaaaaaaaby.
That is me, I guess.
2. LOST fans... How is Sawyer going to get off of that sub?! Serious tension going on in there... Here are some guesses - not even theories: a) White time travel shriek occurs and pops the 3 of them 5 min. into the future where Jack and Sayiid await, b) Squabble in the sub - Kate busts Sawyer out of hand cuffs - Leaves Juliet to return to US circa 1977 (yikes), or c) Sub starts to leave, but gets called back because "LaFleur" is the only one who can fix something with the security system ... and so they are all there and that is why Alpert claims to have seen them all die. Probably none of these are right.
3. Twilight people: Have you seen the new journals they are coming out with? Seriously. I enjoyed the adventure into vampire world in these books, but I think it's overkill now. What girl needs to be doodling in her vampire journal? I don't know. Too much for me. Each one represents a different book of the series and boasts "famous" quotes from the particular installment. Cheese central.
4. I know I had some other thoughts, but I am not able to recall them at the present time.
5. Oh! I remembered one: I took a gamble on a Snuggie purchase as a thank you gift and it seems to be a hit! I recommend and I think Marg. and A would agree! Random, yes. But I do think that we will all look back at 2009 one day and call it the "Year of the Snuggie (invasion)"
Back to work! Until we meet again...