Thursday, May 8, 2008

Those Lazy, Crazy, Hazy Days of Summer...

Has anyone ever seen the episode of the Gilmore Girls where they sing this song? This is the only line and they sing it over and over again. It gets stuck in my head so often and today is one of those lucky days. Outside it is gray and dreary, (reminiscent of the Missouri weather we used to live in) the tornado sirens just started going off, and I am longing for those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer! I think I'm going to have a lot more crazy than lazy and hazy this summer,but I will take what I can get! Here is a picture from that episode where they sing the song -- I think it is actually a Nat King Cole song...

Moving on.. this is my first actual blog post so here's a shout out to my first favorite blog ever:
Gray doesn't post much anymore, but back in the day his blog provided some much need entertainment for anyone having a slow day at the office. Good times.


Courtney said...

Hooray for Maggie posting on her blog!!!!!

A said...

YES!!! Another blog to keep me distracted!!

Gray said...

I am in agreement with Alex. I need something to distract me at work. I love the shout out too!!! In response to your Gilmore Girls post...I never watched that show. Maybe i should rent the series on NetFlix, or just watch them online at work. Also, i just checked out my old blog. Alex are you still married to Stephen? i need to go and check out your wedding page on wedding Mags-I am still waiting on those eggrolls from your reception. Only problem now is that i got my blood taken for the first time in 20 yrs., yes Dr. Baxley i should be reprimanded for that, and i think egg rolls are off my diet. So all that to say, you are off the hook for right now. well for now, i am out to haggle with some GC's (aka Will Gaither's) on the phone about how they are charging me out the nose to do some construction.
-Peace in the Middle East-

Jason and Laura Brantley said...

you never told me that you have a blog!! glad i stubled across it so i can keep up with your life!!! love you!!

Abby Euten said...

Hey Maggie-yay a blog! Loving that I can keep up with you now!

Denise said...

I love this episode of GG! I love every episode but I do find myself singing that song every so often...thanks for reminding me of it. It should be in my head for at least a week or two!

Gray said...

maggie...please start blogging some more. i have started to blog again and i need friends.

Gray said...

maggie...please post another comment. don't give up.