Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our New Alarm & Updated Pictures

Every morning by 6:30 this bright red cardinal comes a'knocking at our den window! I hope you can see him in this picture. He is in the bottom right corner of the window pane. His tapping wakes me up everyday. It is too funny, but also kind of pitiful. He really wants to get into our den and will stay at the window all day. He will be around when we come back for lunch and when we get home in the evenings. I am not sure if he wants to build a nest in the rafters or if he wants food, but this weekend we put up a little bird feeder that Tyler and I picked out at Lowes. I have seen one bird eating out of it, but not him -- I hope he finds it! This afternoon he was back rattatattapping on my window! He smashes red berries up there and it looks gross. Sweet Tyler climbed up to clean the windows last weekend, but now we realize there is not much good to that since he just messes them up immediately afterwards. So now, here are the long awaited pictures of the house (with furniture!) for Carol, the most patient mother in law in the world. Tyler and I love working in the house, but he has tackled the yard like crazy! Pictures of the house and the yard are below - she is still a work in progress, but looking much better & definitely feeling like home -- Enjoy!

Cozy Den

Living room -- hung some sconces & the curtains to the right - behind the sofa is our work station for hanging pictures and such.

Guest room got a bedside table and some wall decor.

This officially became our bathroom the other day. Today I cleaned the shelves, so all of the toiletries are in the cabinets now - a miracle!

The backyard looks amazing. Tyler's work literally makes the yard double in size. We are going to move these boxwoods to the front and re-sod back here, eventually. Also, we are trying to nurse some baby crape myrtles to plant. Will keep you updated on their progress! I promise to not wait another month before I post again -- oops!


Abby Euten said...

The house looks amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

love it :)!!! what will you name your new friend

Jason and Laura Brantley said...

i love your house! it really looks great! i really love the cozy den!

Whitney said...

Maggie! This is Whitney Mosley, we met several years back in Atlanta at Jay and Sara Watkins wedding. I am not sure how I ended up on your blog but I am glad that I did. Your house is great! Beau and I bought a "diamond in the rough" too about a year ago, it was a lot of work to fix it up but we love it! I love your improvements... the floors are beautiful! Are ya'll back in Birmingham? I hope you and Tyler are doing well. Take Care! ~Whitney

Gray said...

Mags/Tyler...The house looks sweet! Your little cardinal friend has inspired me to blog about our bird feeder. Hope he finds it.

jan scott said...

whoa!!! i am so impressed with everytihg yall have done!! cant wait to come visit!! xoxo

Ole Miss Mom said...

I'm not sure if you were home or not on halloween, but my momma said you lived next to D Moore (who's taken ALL my kids photos) and my kids DEFINITELY knocked on the doors on either side of his house...were you guys home and we miss ya'...or did you black out the lights like we do at our house!?! I hope we didn't miss ya...we'll definitely hit ya up next year! :-)

Courtney said...

Maggie--time for a new post....